La educación no cambia el mundo, pero cambia a las
personas que cambiarán el mundo
De que va este proyecto
Personas enseñando de lo que saben, para ayudar a niños en condiciones de vulnerabilidad… Los maestros son estudiantes universitarios y los más beneficiados, todos los niños de la fundación.
• ¿Te gustaría dictar tus cursos?
• ¿Quieres servir y no sabes cómo?
• ¿Quieres ver todo lo que logra la fundación mientras te formas en la plataforma?
Palabras de personas que aprendieron habilidades y conocimientos a la vez
que se comprometieron con este lindo propósito.
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today. It can also play back music CDs. There is audio player software that is native to the computer’s operating system. It can also play back music CDs.
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today. It can also play back music CDs. There is audio player software that is native to the computer’s operating system. It can also play back music CDs.
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today. It can also play back music CDs. There is audio player software that is native to the computer’s operating system. It can also play back music CDs.
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today. It can also play back music CDs. There is audio player software that is native to the computer’s operating system. It can also play back music CDs.
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today. It can also play back music CDs. There is audio player software that is native to the computer’s operating system. It can also play back music CDs.
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